Superintendent Triangle

Superintendents understand that a solid agronomic program is essential for presenting and sustaining a good golf course. In the most basic of terms, if you don’t have good turf then you don’t have a good golf course. Quality turf conditions are the prerequisite to desired playability and presentation. At times, it will be necessary to compromise one or more corners of the superintendent triangle to meet short- and long-term goals. For example, important agronomic practices such as aeration and sand topdressing require significant financial inputs while at the same time affecting course presentation. Despite this, compromising the agronomic integrity of the golf course will eventually require substantially more costs later to recover from and correct problems, such as weak greens or wet, thatchy fairways. The lesson learned is that the agronomic point of the superintendent triangle must take precedence to provide quality course presentation and playability over the long run. In the face of pressure from golfers, management, or ownership to forgo such agronomic practices, superintendents must embrace these.

Click Here to view the Superintendent Triangle PDF.


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